Contacts Section

Kurt Hansen -

This section lists your contacts. Click on it to see what options are available.

The Donors option lists all contacts in alphabetical order. Click on a row of a contact to reveal all the donations and registrations for a donor as well as information for a recurring donation if it exists.

Use the Search field to search for a donor by last name. The Search field looks for any donors with a last name that includes the characters you enter in the field.

You can also limit what you see through the Add Filter. Each filter will be an "and" with the others so they will limit the listing. Options in Add Filter are:

  • Contact Type: Simple (for one time donations or registrations), Participant (for someone who registered for a fund raising event), and Recurring (for monthly donors, active and inactive)
  • Start Date: Search for contacts whose first contact date is after the date specified
  • End Date: Search for contacts whose first contact is before the date specified

The Create option does not work yet. You can add contacts using the Offline Entry feature in your general dashboard.

The Export option will produce a CSV download of the contacts displayed. However, not all the data for the contacts will be downloaded.

The Edit does work but use sparingly.

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