Create a Giving Tuesday Campaign

Amy -

Our Giving Tuesday template makes it easy to setup your campaign. We preloaded images and text that you can modify. It can be ready to go in 15 minutes!

  1. Login to your Dashboard
  2. Go to "PFP/Event-a-Thon" 
  3. Select "Add Event"
  4. Enter your Event Name ie - Giving Tuesday 2019
  5. Select "Giving Tuesday" from the listed options
  6. Enter your Event URL - e.g. givingtuesday
  7. Click "Submit Info"
  8. You will see a list of URLs for your event. You only need to update the first two
  9. Click the "Summary" link to update the main page. Add your logo, update your goal and be sure to let supporters know how the funds will be used. 
  10. Click the "Default team fundraising" link and update your organization's name in the blue section (add logo if you want), add a video and/or images along with your own fundraising message. 
  11. Customize the email to donors by clicking on "Find/Edit Emails" then selecting "Giving Tuesday Event:Donation" - at a minimum scroll to the bottom and update your organization's EIN, address, and phone. Anything in all caps is a merge field. 
  12. You can find your event URLs anytime. Just go to "PFP/Event-a-Thon" and "Find/Edit Events" 
  13. Your event is ready to go!
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