Credit card numbers to use in test mode

Kurt Hansen -

If your form is in test mode, you can use the following credit card numbers for testing purposes. Note that a transaction must be greater than $2.

If you need to put a form into test mode, edit the page in the admin dashboard and set the mode to 'test'.

Currently, any pages in the same directory will be in test mode as well. We are working on being able to set a single page to test mode.

MasterCard Number: 5105 1051 0510 5100
CSC: 111
Expiration date: any date a year in the future

Visa Number: 4242 4242 4242 4242
CSC: 111
Expiration date: any date a year in the future

Stripe does not allow you to test a live page with a live card. If you use a live card to test, Stripe may identify the card as fraudulent and block it.

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