Result Codes

Amy -

Note: We recently updated the "failure" report to include the result code and a description of the failure.

The majority of our clients are setup with Moneris or PayPal as the gateway. Below are the most common result codes for failed transactions:

Moneris Gateway

If you run a "failure" report for a set time period — you will see a description of the error.

475 - Invalid Expiration Date
481 - Declined. Check the credit card number, expiration date, and transaction information to
make sure they were entered correctly. If this does not resolve the problem, have the customer
call their card issuing bank to resolve.
482/484 - Expired Card

PayPal PayFlow Pro Gateway

12 – Declined. Check the credit card number, expiration date, and transaction information to
make sure they were entered correctly. If this does not resolve the problem, have the customer
call their card issuing bank to resolve.
23 – Invalid account number. Check credit card number and re-submit.
24 – Invalid expiration date. Check and re-submit.

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