Updating Emails

Amy -

Donation or Registration Pages

  • Click "Emails" Tab
  • Select "Find/Edit Emails"
  • Use drop down to choose an email to edit

The email has sections that can be edited in place. Just click the area you want to update and the editor will appear. Click the "save" icon, the floppy disk, to save your changes. The editor will also periodically save your changes. To exit the editor, click on the "x" icon.

Editable areas will have a dotted outline. Click within the dotted area to bring up the editor even if there is no text there.

Donation Pages have 3 versions of each e-mail: One-time, Honor/Memorial, and Recurring Signup. While editing an e-mail, the buttons at the top will let you choose which version to edit.

Note: Your main page is labeled "Default Donation Page" or "Default Registration Page". If you also have pages setup in other directories, the main page will have a "- DIRECTORY" in the title where DIRECTORY is replaced by the actual directory.

Recurring Donors

  • Click the "Email" Tab
  • Select "Find/Edit Emails"
  • Use drop down to choose "Monthly: Recurring Donors" to edit and click "Select E-mails"
  • Recurring Donors have two versions, a Success version and a Failing version. You can click on the buttons at the top to move between the two.

Note: If you see a "Monthly Email" link, we have not upgraded your recurring e-mails. Please e-mail techsupport@charityweb.net to tell us to upgrade your account.

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