Entering Offline Data

Kurt Hansen -

Entering Offline Check or Cash Donation:

1. Login to your dashboard. The web address of your dashboard at https://ssl.charityweb.net/DOMAIN/cms/ where DOMAIN is replaced by your own domain
2. Click on PFP/Event-A-thons -> Offline Entry tab
3. Choose the appropriate event from the dropdown and click the "Select Events" button.
4. On the next page, you will see a form in an iframe. Click on the "Donate" button.
5. Select the individual or team you desire.
6. Click the "Donate Now" button

Register a Team or Individual Offline

1. Login to your dashboard. The web address of your dashboard at https://ssl.charityweb.net/DOMAIN/cms/ where DOMAIN is replaced by your own domain
2. Click on PFP/Event-A-thons -> Offline Entry tab
3. Choose the appropriate event from the dropdown and click the "Select Events" button.
4. On the next page, you will see a form in an iframe. Click on the signup button you desire (Team, Individual or Join a Team)
5. Fill in information and click the Sign Up button.

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